Thursday, April 9, 2009

London Stripes = delicious

You may remember my friend Erica's Mad Skilz Shorties. These are also going to her. They match the London diaper. Gorgeous diaper, gorgeous colors, fabulous shorties.


Meg said...
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Amber said...

These are frickin sweet.

Lindsey said...

You are amazing! I'd love to have a 1/10 of your talent. Love them!!! And wish it was colder here in Florida so my boys could wear something like that!

Crazy Cat Lady said...

I love them! They are London perfection - seriously. Did I tell you about the compliments we got on our Maui shorties? People always ask if I knit him the cute stuff we have!

Jill said...

These are awesome. I wish I had a fraction of your talent!!!!! You rock!!!!!! My goal is to have Kenzie stand wearing hats by this fall and winter so I can get you to knit her a hat for every day of the week!

Jen said...

So cute! You did a really great job! I've been knitting for 9 years and you've definitely surpassed me in your mad knitting skills :)

Meg said...
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Crazy Cat Lady said...

Meg - you spend alot of time coming to comment here. Do you even know the knitter? What is your problem? If you don't like something, then move on.

Meg said...

No, I have no idea who she is. A lot of time. Just last night and today. I didnt say I didnt like them. I just said there are lots of helpful videos online to solve the visible issues on this FO. I am a knitter and I would be really happy if someone pointed out obvious flaws in my work, so I could fix them. I wouldnt want to make mistakes that could be fixed. Why would someone not want help? Maybe I am missing something, but is the point of showing your work so people can only say that looks great. And knitting 9 years? You should be able then to see the obvious flaws. Good luck to in the future, whoever you are, I hope your knitting improves.

Crazy Cat Lady said...

For trying to be helpful, your approach was totally wrong. You came across as a know it all bitch, IMO. Constructive criticism does not have to be harsh in tone.

Anonymous said...

Hey Meg, your condescending tone sounds awfully familiar....Your intrawebz name wouldn't happen to be Shabbychic, would it? Because seriously, that attitude matches hers....And it sure doesn't sound like you're trying to help, it sounds like you're trying to get down on the woman for her work. Which is flat out wrong. And to make fun of someone who commented as far as how long she's been knitting, or whatever, you wrote, it, I don't need to recap.....You sure sound awfully bitchy. Why continue to post here if you don't like my friend's work? You don't like, don't freakin' look. Simple as that. Don't like her technique? Don't come here to criticize. She doesn't want to hear it. She has PLENTY of people who LOVE her work and are willing to pay for it. Go find someone else to bully. Mean ass.

Lindsey said...

Seriously, Meg. You are not offering helpful advice, you are being a condensing wench. Didn't your mother ever teach you if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Christia and her knitting is amazing!

Molly said...

Wow, those are ADORABLE! Please tell me you have an Etsy shop?

Molly said...

Aha! Found it!

Christia said...

Molly, my etsy is

Email me

Jennie C said...

those are amazing...I love the colors with it too!!! I am so going to need to get some.